Chaos Warband Part 2
Following on from the previous post, here is the next unit for my band of evil marauding chaos baddies. Last time we saw Lord Snakehips and his retinue of warriors, this time it's the marauding barbarians from the northern wastes.
The models here are Foundry vikings from a couple of different packs. They are lovely models and were a lot of fun to paint. Not too much faff, which is a big bonus, as they're mainly just bulging muscles and animal hides.
Above is the unit leader with a multitude of chaotic fashion statements on display. From his classic striped trousers to his chic elf skin boots, topped off by a large caterpillar draped across his helm, he is clearly a leader of men.
The rest of the unit are also kitted out with a variety of barbarian fashion items. Animal skins and brightly coloured trousers are the order of the day, alongside gold jewellery. I have painted them with a sickly pale skin tone and icy blue-white hair and beards. These boys come from a desolate frozen wasteland contaminated with the taint of chaos, so they're never going to be the picture of good health despite their muscular physiques.
I've built this warband around a 24 point Dragon Rampant list, but I've very much got them in mind for a (as yet quite vague) WFB 2nd or 3rd edition scenario. The background in 2nd and 3rd WFB sits in a sweet spot for me, between being a deep and well developed world and a pretty loose and pliable set of jumping off points. It's a big world and there is a lot of room around the edges of the lists and profiles for pretty much anything you can be bothered to think of.
The chaos thugs profile in the 3rd ed. Warhammer Armies book gives you a lot of options for your barechested bruisers and other despicable dweebs, and I reckon this is a reasonable profile for my lads. For Dragon Rampant I have the Bellicose Foot profile in mind, which is subject to the Wild Charge rule causing them the attempt to charge the nearest enemy each turn whether you want them to or not. They are also granted little protection by their loincloths and have an appropriately low armour score. For WFB I could add Frenzy to cause them to be similarly enthusiastic and perhaps remove the light armour.
I have a handful more of these to paint to take the unit up to 12 models, including a standard bearer taken from the GW Dog's of War set Beorg Bearstruck & The Bearmen Of Urslo (clearly a reference to Beorn in The Hobbit), shown below in the 1999 Citadel Catalogue (thanks to Stuff Of Legends!). The standard bearer figure is actually quite a lot better looking in person than in the catalogue and fits in well with the Foundry figures.
Whether I will actually get around to filling out the unit is another matter! Having 12 figures with each representing 1 wound would be the ideal of course, but I'm doing my Dragon Rampant foot units at 8 figures each, generally, with a mini dice to track wounds. Not the most elegant set up but painting 8 figures always seems much more doable than painting 12!
Anyway, below is a group photo of the lads to finish this one off. There are a couple more units left in this warband, which will be the subject of a future post and hopefully it won't be too long before we can all play with our toys again and the warband of Lord Snakehips can see the action they're desperate for!
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