Orctober 2020!



There is a day, week or month for everything these days. National Cake Week, World Tiling Day, Wardrobe Awareness Day, the list is endless and tight calendar management is essential to avoid incidents of awareness faux pas. 

One date that is worth noting with particular care, however, is Orctober. A month dedicated to the much loved green skinned goblinoid troublemaker. Obviously, you can paint your orcs whenever you like but Orctober is a nice opportunity to cheer each other on whilst painting those rascals.

My contribution to the festivities is a mini-project with the aim of painting Ugroth 'Ripper' Bolgrot, the chainsaw wielding looney (his words, not mine) who was introduced to the glorious game of Blood Bowl back in the obscure days of the 2nd edition.

Here he is in the '91 red catalogue, Kev Adams is noted as the designer:

And below is his profile from White Dwarf 114 (June '89) and then later the Blood Bowl Star Player book.

Second edition is a bit before my time but Ugroth has made it through into 3rd edition, the living rule book years and into the 2016 edition. Who knows if he will make it to the 2020 edition.. 

I'll revisit this little project in a couple of weeks once the figure is painted and have a look at the model, his present day stats and the joy of chainsaws on the BB pitch.



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