Three bastards & a gnome on a fox


A couple of quick snaps of some figures that I have enjoyed painting recently. I'm not sure exactly what game (if any) they are for, so for the time being they will be filed under Misc Fantasy.

First up are these three chaotic villains, collectively known as The Bastards.  The gang is led by Lord Crabsticks who, as you can see, has huge claws instead of arms. His friends are Regis the Befouler, the corrupted elf with a glorious mohawk and Duke Thunderstrap, the vile overlord of Grindleford, here in his favourite red armour.

The models are mainly Perry Miniatures plastics with a few bits and bobs from other kits. The elf head is from the Blood Bowl wood elf kit, and I think it works very well here. The more mohawks the better, really.

I've got a couple of others half done, so they will soon have some more friends. Not sure what I'll do with them, though I have been thinking about looking into Frostgrave recently, so that could be a where they end up.

Next up, a little gnome riding a fox. I got this in the post recently after backing the last Old School Miniatures Kickstarter. It must have been a year ago and I'd forgotten about it until this little fellow arrived. I gave him a quick paintjob (happy Gnomevember!) and filed him in the Misc Fantasy section alongside The Bastards. 

I really like the OSM Gnomes and I'd like to pick up quite a few more at some point. I do have one more, a little druid that I used for a D&D game a while ago. These two can hang out together until reinforcements arrive.

Finally, here's a snap of the gnome riding against the evil bastards. Whether the fox would be better off on his own is a question we may never answer.

That is all for now. These were all fun to paint and I really enjoy the low pressure of painting figures that aren't part of a larger project. It's nice to just paint something for the heck of it and not have to think "only 30 more.."

Cheers for now!


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